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Jessica Butz: A Model Student, Athlete, and Employee

In just a few short weeks, groups of students from across the Poconos will be celebrating the completion of their high school careers. One of those individuals is Jessica Butz, a dedicated member of the Stroudsmoor Country Inn team.

Jessica, a soon-to-be graduate of Pocono Mountain East High School, began working at Stroudsmoor in April of 2022. While she’s maintained an admirable level of professionalism in the workplace, she’s also demonstrated her prowess as both a student and an athlete time and again throughout her academic career.

Since beginning her high school career, Jessica has been inducted into a number of honors societies, including the National Art, Business, French, Math, and Science Honor Societies. She is also a member of the renowned National Honor Society. Jessica will graduate PMEHS with a 4.0 GPA.

Outside of academia, Jessica continues to be a dedicated and talented field hockey player. She’s been a member of the PMEHS team for four years, receiving a Varsity Letter during her time with them as well as awards for Most Improved Player and Most Defensive Saves.

Jessica plans to pursue the next steps of her academic career, as well as her passion for field hockey, at Albright College in Reading, PA. She hopes to obtain a degree in Fine Arts and Communication, with her sights set on becoming a Creative Director.

We wish Jessica all the best personally and professionally, and look forward to celebrating her next month during her graduation party at Stroudsmoor’s SCI Pavilion.

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