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Susan’s famous Bread and Butter Pickles

“The fresher the cucumber the better your pickle!”
First made for her youngest son, Ben, when he asked, “What do you do with cucumbers Mom? Susan’s quick reply was PICKLE them! She went on to say, “The fresher the cucumber the better your pickle!” and from there the pickle making began. Ben was very inquisitive, so they practiced canning many different types of pickles – Dill, Cornichon (French for Gherkins), Polish Garlic and Dill, Half Sour, and Bread and Butter Pickles. Ben’s favorite became Mama Sue’s Bread and Butter Pickles. Here’s her recipe to give them a try and see if they become your FAVS!

Ingredients for 6-pint jars

Prep and Pickling Steps:

  1. Slice with care the cucumbers and onions approximately ¼” thick.
  2. Place both in a large bowl and cover with water, mix in thoroughly Pickling Salt and let stand for 4 hours. Rinse and drain.
  3. Sterilize your jars before filling by immersing in boiling water – let them cool before canning.
  4. Add all remaining ingredients into a 6qt. pot or larger if making more than 1 batch)
    Note From Susan: “for the sake of flavor, I would not make more than 4 batches at a time.”
  5. Bring sugar mixture to boil. As soon as the sugar dissolves and liquid is clear, add your cucumbers and onions slices.
  6. Bring the mixture to a boil again. Using a slotted spoon pack your jars, top them off with the hot mixture to about ½” from the rim. Always wipe your jars clean.
  7. Secure by using a self-sealing lid or rubber washer and metal lid with screw-on band.
  8. Return the sealed jars to a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Jars should make a popping noise when sealed. If sealed properly, the jars are safe for pantry for up to a year. But, they never last that long!

Looking for more relishes, salsas, and other condiments?

Stop by Stroudsmoor Inn Towne and browse our selection of freshly made condiments. SIT delivers too!
570-517-0663 – 125 Broad Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360

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